FAQ's I receive from my couples
We're not photogenic and we're a bit uneasy in front of the camera.
You have no idea how many people feel the same way. I have photographed hundreds of people who have told me this and I promise you they have never had a bad experience! My job is to make you comfortable while having a great time and to give you a natural and spontaneous memory. Let me do the magic, trust me!
How do we book our date?
Signing the contract and payment of the initial deposit.
When are the payments made?
40% down payment. 60% deposit until one month after the wedding.
Are there any travelling expenses?
Even though weddings outside Madrid involve 3 days instead of 1, I don't raise the budget because of travel. I love seeing new places and I want to make it easy for you, but obviously I need to have the expenses covered for both my accommodation (1 or 2 nights if I can't go home the same day of the wedding) and petrol, flight, train or whatever else is needed from Madrid.
Do you record videos?
No but I do recommend that you look for professionals who have expertise in that field. Many times because we try to find ways to cut expenses we might be motivated to find a family member or friend to record for you. I made this mistake at my wedding, and it is a video that I don't even want to watch, hahaha. So please, trying to cut expenses like this can come at a VERY high cost. I will send you a list of wonderful videographers without any problem!
Why hire me?
Because I always work on the basis of empathy. I am guided by how I would like to be treated on my wedding day, how do I want others to make me feel and, finally, what kind of photographs I would like to be given. I'm not satisfied with just complying with a contract. I want to give you the best.
How long have you been doing this?
In picture taking, a lifetime. In weddings, since 2012. It's not the same as being a good photographer as it is being a good wedding photographer. You can't imagine how efficient, decisive, and technically perfect a wedding photographer needs to be at these events. We don't get second chances to capture those wonderful moments that flash before you! This mastery is achieved with years and years of experience and hundreds of weddings. That's the difference between an amateur and a professional photographer.
How many weddings do you do a year?
Never more than 20. To deliver excellent work it is imperative to limit the number of weddings I accept. You are not just another couple to me. I give my 200% at every wedding and this is impossible to do when you're exhausted from covering more than one should. I've had years of working overtime and no thank you. I go to each of my weddings with a lot of excitement and motivation, and believe me, you can tell when a person is enjoying their work.